Sunday, November 15, 2009

Chat with Drew Doyon, the cover model for Hush, Hush

HEy Hush, Hush fans, this is your lucky day. If you follow @HushHushFan on Twitter or are on the Hush, Hush fanforum, you know what I am talking about.

If not, listen closley.

All week long Fallen Archangel and their forum have been having a blast with Cover Week for Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpartick. They've been giving away prizes like bookmarks, posters and a couple more books. They've talked to James Porto- the photographer, they talked to Becca, they talked to the Senior Designer, Lucy Cummins from Simon and Schuster and they talked to the cover boy himself, Drew Doyon.

And tonight at 10pm EST they are having a LIVE chat with him! Yes, he graciously agreed to be apart of their first ever live chat. The chat will take place on the site itself, under the tab LIVE CHAT.

The catch? It's only for forum members. Only the members will be given the username and passcodes to get into the chat. The info will be given on the forum itself a few hours before the chat. So if you want the chance to talk to Drew, ask him questions...go join the forum! It's a fun place, I promise!


  1. do u know anything about the 2nd book yet

  2. its coming out to long for me to wait XP November 16th 2010 is way to long to wait
